
Dog-ear infections, and frustrated love

sick-dogIt looks like Watson has an infection in one of his ears. He scratched it a lot, and when I looked it was reddish and swollen. Since auntie is busy today, it means that one of us has to be late for school today, so that Mark’s mum can come and fetch Watson and bring him to the vet.

I have free periods before lunch so I volunteered for this duty, and that’s going to mean a lot of extra homework for the first two periods. Bah.

Mark has also been very huggy this morning, so he is either drunk or he’s in the mood for luv, but I don’t smell alcohol on his breath, so that leaves the other thing. But there’s no time! He has to actually shower, and then I have to actually shower. And then we have to eat something. And then it’s time for him to go. I hate school days. I will get a lot of filthy texts today, though.


neuschwanstein-castleWe decided that the 20th is the best day to move our stuff over to the house. We will use the basement flat until the weekend after that when it’s time to load the lorries with Mark’s parents stuff, and then they’re off to Wiltshire.

So, a whole week with the in-laws, eh? I wonder how that will go. At least we’ll have a lockable door, and won’t be too inconvenienced. But it feels weird that it’s so soon! This has been something that’s been so distant for so long, and now it’s just a few weeks.

We will of course have to clean out this flat thoroughly, to remove all the dog hairs. But at least auntie’s cleaners are going to do the heavy duty cleaning with the industrial strength chemicals, so we’ll just have to get it into a presentable form so that the cleaners can do the surfaces and bathroom and stuff.

I can’t believe it’s so close. I feel fantastic about that. Excited and happy at the same time. I really should have gone out for a run, to get rid of some of the excess energy. Bah. I can’t.

