Many people have questions and concerns about dog ear infections.
In most cases it is quite obvious that ear infection in dogs ears cause them to hurt.
The dogs ears may not hurt at first so if you’re lucky enough to notice the symptoms of infection in the dogs ears right away, you may avoid ear ache pain.
Most of the time people don’t notice the symptoms until the dogs ears are red, sore, tender and aching.
Once the dog has an ear ache and displays other symptoms of ear infection or problems, an effective dog ear treatment will be needed as soon as possible in order to avoid further complications from the infection.
Examining the dogs ears on a regular basis can help avoid ear ache pain as you can apply treatment while the infection is in the early stages. Dog ear infection doesn’t go away without treatment and will only get worse if left untreated.
Some obvious signs of infection in dogs ears:
Oozing substance from the ears, can be clear or may be dark and sticky
Smelly ears, infected ears usually have a foul odor
Scratching at the ears, irritated sore ears may be itchy, often the dog will scratch at them
Dogs may rub the ears against things in an effort to find comfort.
You may hear fluid in the ears or you might hear some kind of crackling sounds in the ears.
There may be some black debris which resembles coffee grounds (usually when dog ear mites are present)
What to do when you notice signs that the dogs ears have infection:
It is important to get a proper dog ear treatment as soon as possible.
Ear infections in dogs can’t be cleaned out, dog ear cleaners or solutions isn’t going to help.
Infection will need antibiotic ear drops, oral antibiotics and sometimes both in order to clear it up.
If your dog has an ear infection, get veterinary ear drops to provide relief from sore and hurting ears.
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